Monday, December 3, 2012

SNL, Julian Casablancas and Egg Nog Milkshakes.

Kick it

The strokes front man released one great Xmas tune in this upbeat cover. It's also widely available on Spotify, Itunes or whatever weirdo Russian website you steal music fromOh and yes, a non-original Christmas song. Shocking? Of course not. Surprising? Well in this instance a little. The song was recorded in 2009 from Julian Casablancas and the first known version was, that's right, it did sound familiar, Jimmy Fallon and crew on Saturday Night Live in 2000. Really? Yep, it's true.  Don't believe me ae? Well, take this;

Yes, well, sorry for the poor quality, but I didn't think you wanted to sit through Hulu advertisements for the true original. Anyway, there will be more from Julian and his band mates; The Strokes, in collaboration with none other than Cindy Lauper coming up this month. More on that in a later blog post.

        Johnny Xmas Public Service Announcement 

BEHOLD!!!!! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the Egg Nog Milkshake. What's that? Yes, I know there's no booze in it. After my visit today, I also know that a medium has six, count em, six hundred and eighty calories. However, what I didn't know up till a year ago is that the egg nog milkshake is the cure. The cure for what? Oh, I think you know. When you crawl out of bed at two o'clock on Sunday, or Tuesday, depending how messed up you are, this is the thing that will keep your heart beating. Trust me, would Johnny Xmas lie to you?

Alright, that's it for tonight, but coming up soon is reviews of ChristKindl, Chemically Imbalanced Theater's show; Scene's with Santa, and the results of my annual Mr. Xmas Beer World Championships. Stay tuned!

Soul Santa, Bell's Christmas and holiday public intoxication

Welcome to the Partier, Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays!

I figured, why not give you something to listen to as you read along, so I'll start off with a little something from my personal Johnny Xmas Playlist. Enjoy and follow along.

Let's kick out the jams.
Not much was found on the artist or the album, besides the fact that, yes, it does exist and it kicks it. Funk Machine is on record of putting out a 7" Vinyl back in 1974 with this little gem on it. This track is also available on Spotify for your Xmas playlist as are many of the artists on the "Christmas Groove" CD/MP3 that Soul Santa is also found on, put out in 2009 and is widely available through iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc. So go grab it and funk up your whole holiday.
How's about a beer?

What the Brewer has to say:
The basic inspiration for Bell's Christmas Ale was to create a sessionable holiday beer, using locally grown malt, which would stand apart from the array of spiced winter warmers that are typically introduced this time of year. In contrast to many other seasonals, Christmas Ale doesn't contain any spices: all of the dry, toasted notes & subtle toffee flavors come from the 100% Michigan-grown barley, custom malted by Briess Malting, while a blend of hops from Michigan & the Pacific Northwest lend earthy, herbal aromas. At 5.5% ABV, it stands as a smooth, highly drinkable beer intended to complement holiday menus, not overshadow them.
-Taken from the brewer's website

What the Christmas Partier has to say:
Well, choosing this as my first Xmas beer was a little self serving, truth be told. Yes; I have friends that work at the brewery and yes; the brewery sponsors my hockey team. However, that doesn't take away the fact that this is a great, great, "go to" beer for the season. With it only being 5.5% Alcohol by Volume (ABV) means compared to it's contemporaries in the Xmas beer field, its a choice you can have a bunch of and not be upside down after your third beer. Taste - wise, as stated above, it lacks the additional spices that are commonplace in most seasonal beers, which quite frankly sometimes can be overpowering.
All in all, an easy drinking, tasty, not wildly high in alcohol beer that should be on your "Nice" list. 

Public Service Announcement

Speaking of beer, say your off to Xmas Zoolights, Christkindl or whatever, and since your such a mess, you can't imagine walking somewhere without having a few pops. Well, here's a thought. Rather than brown bagging it light some vagrant, class it up a little bit. 

  • First, get a pretty girl to come over to your apartment. 
  • Then, find some wrapping paper from like four years ago. Oh, and something to drink.
  • Ask the pretty girl (because she is going to be able to do this better than you since you're probably already drunk) to wrap the bottle, like this;

 Now you're ready to go! Sure, I'm confident you are still going to get arrested, but if the police officer has any sense of humor at all, they should leave you alone.

Thanks for reading; my plan is to get content up almost daily (let’s be realistic here people) so keep checking back!